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Polar Regions

Prowl with the polar bears, swim with the seals and hunt with the Inuit as we find out how global warming is threatening their existence.

Polar Regions
Polar Regions

Time & Location


EYS, KS1 & KS2

About the event

We ‘fly’ to the Antarctic – to the highest, coldest and windiest place on the globe. What do you wear to protect yourself from the cold? What animals and birds would you find there? Waddling like a penguin or swimming like a seal, the children become the creatures and experience life in the southern most area of the world. Next we ‘fly’ half way around the world and land in the Arctic; is anything similar? What differences can we spot? Watching out for polar bears, we hunt with the Inuit, race huskies, kayak and fish and compare how the lives of the native Inuits have changed over time.

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