Think you know fairy tales? Think again! Our original shows are designed for audiences from Nursery age up to Year 6 and beyond. At Openbox we pride ourselves in keeping our shows simple. We don’t use theatre lighting or loud music and our performers don’t need microphones to be heard.
In our shows we take a much loved traditional tale and give it an unexpected twist or two! What if Little Red Riding Hood was not the sweet little girl you thought she was? What if the Troll under the bridge was just misunderstood? What if it was the Wolf Who Cried Boy? Our tales are woven with magic, morals and plenty of mischief and offer an affordable dose of joy, excitement and live theatre to your school!
Shows are available to book in the December Christmas show season when we team our original shows with an adaptation of the Christmas story to create a magical double bill loved by children and staff alike. Watch this space or subscribe to our Newsletter to be one of the first to hear when bookings open for our next show.

Now SOLD OUT! Our newest show, Pinocchio, premieres in December 2024. Teamed with The Nativity to create a double-bill presentation during our Christmas Show season, Pinocchio is not one to be missed!